◆ Surgical information       


Specialized surgeon: Dr. Won Suk Oh 

Anesthesia :IV Sedation + Local Anesthesia

Post operative treatment visits : 3-4 times

Stitch removal :  In 7 days

Recovery Care : Bruising and swelling care 

◆ What is ​Epicanthoplasty - Medial and Lateral 


1. Medial Epicanthoplasty

The procedure removes Mongolian folds that obstruct the inner corner of the eyes. 

Epicanthoplasty reveals more eyes and part of lachrymal glands by cutting off Mongolian folds (epicanthic folds) that overly cover the inner corner of the eye, creating larger and clearer-cut eyes. 


2. Lateral Epicanthoplasty

If the width of eyes are short compared to the height, the eyes look centered in the middle of the face, and this can't be corrected with only double eyelid surgery. If both eyes are pushed into the inner corner of the eyes, lateral canthoplasty enlarges the outer corner of the eyes to increase the overall size of the eyes. 

The overly covered outer angle of the eye is extended through resection on the skin and 

mucous membrane to make wider and deep-set eyes.


Candidates for Epicanthoplasty

01. Those who have small eyes with short width

02. Those who have obstructed inner or outer corner of eyes

03. Those who had double eyelid surgery but whose eyes still looks undefined.

04. Complete Natural-Looking Eye Shape using a Precise and Safe Method

Surgical Method of Medial and Lateral Epicanthoplasty


Complete Natural-Looking Eye Shape with Precise and Safe Method  


 01.  Non-incision Double eyelid

The conventional epicanthoplasty leaves a scar because it focuses on simple resection and relocation of the skin. April 31's epicanthoplasty produces a natural-looking and well-defined eye shape without side effects through skin repositioning that minimizes tension.


 Before surgery

 Cut on the Mongolian fold and 

  remove tissue

 Suture inside the eyelid not to 

  expose theincision scar

 After surgery


 02.  Partial incision Double eyelid

April 31's Three-Way Eye Enlargement Surgery that Doesn't Come Undone

Excessive skin and membrane resection causes a high risk of relapse. To prevent relapse, not excessive but moderate resection and correction method is important.

April 31 Plastic Surgery performs Three-Way Eye Enlargement Surgery (lateral canthal surgery) that detaches lateral canthal ligament

and fixes it to a new position in order to prevent relapse and make moderate correction.



Three-Way Eye Enlargement Surgery (lateral canthal surgery) detaches lateral canthal ligament from lower eyelid and fixes it to a new position, and consequently changes both the width and length of the eyes. Because the procedure can change the direction of lateral canthal ligament and move the location of the outer corner of the eye, it can correct the upward or downward eye slant. The width of eye can be extended more than the depth of the fornix, and the lateral canthus can be relocated and relapse can be prevented.

This surgical technique requires great care. If fixation and suture is not accurately made, the lower eyelids could be turned outward or scar tissue could grow on it, or the shape of lateral canthus could be collapsed. Therefore patients are strongly recommended to visit specialist who has extensive experience on lateral canthal surgeries.


 Before surgery

 Incision after desige

 Assess available room for lateral 

 canthoplasty and devise a balanced  design

 Lateral eye enlargement

 Enlare the lateral canthus in three 

 directions by detachinglateral 

 canthus ligament and fixing it 

 accurately to a new position

 After surgery




Advantages of April 31's Lateral Canthoplasty

April 31's Unique Technique without Relapse 

 point 01

 point 02

 point 03

 Changes rough and hostile 

image into soft one

 There is a lower risk of fold 

coming undone

 There is low risk of side effects 

including scarring

 Point 04

 point 05

 point 06

 Enlarges the size of the eyes more 

effectively than regular


 Create distinct, clear-cut eyes

 Correct upward or downward 

eye slant

◆ Treatment Plan


    01. Examine facial sructure and 


     02Consult with eye-surgery 

     Specialist Dr. Wonsuk Oh 

     03. Devise a surgery plan suitable 

      for each patient

         04. Perform surgery and monitor 
